Top Rated Endoscopic Spine Surgeon in Miami

Spinal Tumor Surgery

Spinal Tumor Surgery Specialist in Miami

Spinal tumor treatment is a specialized treatment that involves a high level of skill as well as expertise. Dr. Basil is an eminent spine surgeon who has a wide range of experience in removing various spinal tumors and giving relief to patients.

Basically, a spine tumor occurs due to the abnormal growth of uncontrolled tissues around the spinal cord. There are several types of tumors that can occur in the spine that may or might not be cancerous.

There is a secondary spinal tumor that arises from various organs of the body, like the lungs, kidneys, and prostate, and spreads to the spinal cord.

The symptoms of a spinal tumor include back pain, loss of sensation in various body parts, burning sensation, numbness, and tingling in the arms and ankles. Moreover, some people might have bowel control problems.

Dr. Basil has a team of expert doctors and radiologists that specializes in monitoring neurons and their activities. The team, with its combined effort, first checks the location of the spinal tumor and then proceeds with appropriate treatment.

In What Way Dr. Basil Diagnose a Spine Tumor

He takes the following steps:

  1. Medical History: The first step in a proper and effective diagnosis involves knowing the medical history of a patient, in which information concerning the present and persisting symptoms and their effect on the rest of the body is gathered.
  2. Diagnostic Imaging: This step involves capturing the image of the tumor and the area covered by it in the spinal section; for that, an X-Ray scan, a CT scan, and other associated tests are conducted. In certain situations, doctors would take blood and urine samples to get a much better idea about the tumor.
  3. Biopsy: It involves taking out a piece of tissue and then analyzing it properly. A biopsy is done before the beginning of any treatment or surgery. The sample of tissue taken at the time of spine surgery is carefully analyzed to detect various complications. The decision to perform several initial tests prior to surgery depends on the severity of the spinal condition caused by the tumor.

What are the different types of spinal tumors?

There are basically two types of tumors. One is a primary tumor, and the other is a secondary.

Primary tumors are those that develop within the spinal cord and column. These are of further three types:

  1. Vertebral column tumors: Originate in the vertebral bones or discs
  2. Intramedullary tumors: This primary tumor develops inside the spinal cord.
  3. Intradural-extramedullary tumors: These grow within the spinal canal and under membranes that cover the spinal cord, but mainly outside the nerves.

Secondary tumors are the tumors that take place when cancer spreads from other parts of the body to the spine. Most of the secondary tumors in the spinal cord are caused by either lung or prostate cancer.

What symptoms do I get from a spinal tumor?

Although there are several symptoms associated with the spinal tumor, But the most common one is back pain, which is caused by this tumor spreading rapidly towards the hips, legs, or arms. Other additional symptoms may include loss of sensation in the arms and legs and can lead to chest weakness as well. The loss of sensitivity and bowel movement are the other associated symptoms of a spinal tumor. Even some people experience difficulty walking due to the paralysis caused by the tumor.

How are spinal tumors treated?

Dr. Basil, being a medical expert, first evaluates the tumor type and its growth rate. Based on the initial examination, he recommends whether the patient needs surgery or not, depending on the severity. Regardless of the cancerous nature of the tumor, it grows and causes various symptoms.

Spinal tumor surgery is a delicate process that involves removing tumors to a large extent. Apart from this, Dr. Basil may recommend other surgery if required to treat all symptoms of a spine tumor.

Spinal decompression helps in the preservation of nerve functions. The activity is nothing but the decompression surgery that Dr. Basil performs, followed by spinal fusion for spine stabilization.

Schedule a Consultation

The majority of the spin tumors can be surgically removed, giving complete relief to the patient. But for effective surgical treatment, one needs to consult a committed professional like Dr. Basil, who works tirelessly and is renowned. He is known to provide various personalized treatments and good spinal care in Miami. Getting a one-on-one consultation is just a call away.

Explore Other Minimally Invasive Procedures

Dr. Basil is a skilled expert in many types of minimally invasive procedures to treat patients of various age groups and health conditions. Some of the surgeries that he performs include the following: